Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Isk Isk Baby!

Well, made myself some popcorn (it smells good in a pod, you know?) and decided to play the market a bit and look for oversights to make myself some isk. Well, glad I did.

Pulled up the market info and surfed through it all in nullsec, looking at all the buy and sell orders. Yes, numbers do get tiresome after a while, but, I got lucky. I found an item(s) that if moved only 1 jump throough a jumpbridge would net me 60mil for only 15mil input! So, I took some isk I had made from the night before and bought the goods... and then moved them through a camped system in an iteron mark 5.

That was just one instance, but out in null, there were at least 10 I capitalized on, making a grand total of just short of 80 mil in about two hours. Deciding I made myself enough isk (and lacking more ways to make it), I went to sleep, happy again.

I woke up the next day in my captain's quarters, watching the sun peek in through the docking bay, and decided to try the market again to make the 100 million I wanted. At first, I started with things I wanted to do again the night before, but again, there was no openings, so I found new ones to exploit. Overall, another 40 million was made, brining my total up to 120 million made in about 4 hours. Not too bad for hardly any work.

Oh, total wallet balance so far? 530 million isk!

Even now as I write, i'm bargaining with other players to play the market even more...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Baby Tass goes to Nullsec


A lot of people dive for cover, or pull out their PvP ships, and hulks dock up at their local mining stations at the word. Now me, I'm an industrialist that also has some awesome leet PvE skills. Getting tired of my life in empire, and constantly mining veldspar for hours on end, I decided to hit the recruitment channels and join up with a 0.0 corp.

Lo and behold, I did find one, Southern Comfort!

These guys offered to move me out there, so I loaded my Hulk and Megathron into their carrier and proceeded to kill myself (quite litterally) to nullsec. Waking up in the clone bay in null is always a shock, seeing those red numbers indicating negative values in your current location bar. Always. But, I had my hulk, so, without a care in the world, I jumped into a mining fleet and undocked after the smacktalk had died down.

Flying into asteriod belts in nullsec is another experience. Normally in empire, belts are close and horse-shoe shaped, and with a fully boosted Orca, you never have to leave your spot once you land. Out in nullsec however, that isn't the case. It isn't unusual to see asteriod belts strewn over an area 250km, and you only sit in one place for so long because the ore is large. Yeah. A few cans later and I was still mining the same Bistot asteriod. But no worries because after I got it hauled to the local station, and I refined it, I was sitting on a lot of rare minerals... Worth a lot.

Deciding that I had tested the waters on mining, I had my pod transferred to my Megathron, and undocked in that. Again, I flew to an asteriod belt, and began to engage the rats there with my railguns. It took a a bit, but the rewards were amazing. 3 million isk and some alloyed trit bars later, and I decided to call it a night. All in all, I had mined about a covetor's worth of mineral, and made about 15mil in bounties from the rats.

I went to sleep happy that night.