Sunday, October 28, 2012

Just When You've Seen it All...

Just when you think you've seen all Minecraft has to offer... BAM! Something new pops up to surprise you.

So while doing my daily reddit thing I came across a guy named Spaceribs's Imgur album which depicted his rendition of what I assume is the Book "World War Z." Now, if you haven't read the book, I highly suggest you do read it, because it's awesome. If also reminds me of the book "Deadline" by Mira Grant and when the characters go foraging into the wild zombie infested cities to get footage of them fighting zombies to boost their blog ratings. Maybe I should take a key point from that.

Anyways, here's his link to the imgur album. Click here for Zombie coolness.

Also the link to his subreddit where you can find updates on his work and his server, which looks pretty damn cool.

Anyways, there's your view of cutting edge minecraftiness.

I have a hurricane to go prepare for.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First Alliance Problems


Class is done. Thank god. I was seriously bored and I wanted graph paper to doodle minecraft stuff on. Or eve economics because I had a rough price figure of all the mins in my head. You know, because paying for Oxygen isotopes is expensive nowadays. For those buying/wanting capitals, keep cost in mind. It's not one time like a battleship or cruiser with short spurts spent here and there for ammo or cap boosters. Nope. Shit is constant. And waiting for neuts to leave your jump in system so you can light a cyno is more then annoying too.

On the plus side landing on a station exactly 0km off it while reds are in system is exhilerating. Awww yeah. And I get those ships delivered where they need to go in a timely manner. It is immensely helpful beyond just providing a DPS platform and an oversized triage. Although the triage is nice, I've yet to see it used due to it drawing fire almost immeadiately after entering it's cycle.

In other news, yeah holy crap. Finding it hard to blog today. I'm cracking a monster open at 4pm EST just to stay awake and it's killing me. I really shouldn't stay up late talking but you know there's this girl... Alright. Story for a different time.

So it seems that TEST is making serious headway against -A- since the fall of the 4-0 station. We're getting close. -A- doesn't have much further to run back to highsec. As it is, I believe that peeps are camping them into NPC space where they are trying to regain their breath. And jump carriers out... Which of course one got doomsdayed on the undock. Dumb bastard.

Also on a bit of a bad luck for -A- (course TEST calls it fate), they had a Ragnarock killed by a shit ton of Pandemic Legion Supercaps and Titans. Needless to say, It's was the ole logoffski trap we set. Just goes to show that some people shouldn't be flying expensive ships. Might be best to leave that to those who actually can do it right, or those who aren't stupid.

Right, also, -A-, thanks for undocking to kill rifters you fucking faggots. Can't fight TEST but you'll fight Goons. Especially if you know you will win. Spineless cowards. You all shouldn't rest knowing you killed a few frigs with your tengus still alive... we will find them and we will kill them, rest assured it's just a matter of time.

Anyways, I have a monster to finish. -A-, i'm done shitting on you guys for now. Stand up, give us good fites. And give us more comms in which makalu rages.

Monday, October 22, 2012

More Minecraft Related Stuff.

Ok, minecraft related stuff.

So, I just want to say (not that it's happened to me before) but sometimes the worst creepers are the ones that you let onto the server.

Ok, pagodas are cool. No, I didn't build the pagoda near the cherry blossom fields. I wish. In fact, I want the construction plans for it.

And My tower. LoTR style. Needs more materials and the area needs leveled. I hate Leveling.


My Second Winter

Returning Home
Well guys, it's been forever. Some days I swear I forget I have a blog. That makes me a terrible person... sometimes it's just so hard to keep up with everything that goes on. Reminds me of an article Goonswarm once wrote about choice paralysis..

Anyways, guess what? I'm in TEST now since my last posts forever ago. And I also fly a carrier, albeit not that great but hey. Working on it. Photos at the bottom of the post.

Anyways, been flying blackbirds when I fleet up. Tons of fun those are! Gotten on several kills mainly because of jamming. Also got on my first ever capital killmail while jamming out a thanatos. This was also the same fight where I was hero repped by the best logi on earth. Came back from 26% structure to stay alive and fight another fight. Also photo of that on the bottom courtesy of (Insert Name here) who was also the would be hero.

Sindel Pellion, @SindelPellion
Ok, so been in a few fleet fights that have triggered TiDi. Makes life easy. Also, been in supercap fights that also triggered TiDi and let me tell you, it's quite a sight seeing so many titans and supercaps on the field at once. It honestly makes me can't wait to structure grind with one (which I eventually want to do) but I'm working on pimping out my carrier first.

Speaking of TEST Alliance, there's been these amazing parodies released by a TEST member named Sindel Pellion. She's awesome, and has an amazing voice, and sings good stuff. She also does a song with a guy in (bleh) Against All Authorities, @DJ_StarStream. Give her a follow over on twitter, @SindelPellion, or visit her site and read it. GOOD SHIT. Funny shit too. Read it ALL. Also, give to her Angel Project. A worthy cause. I wish she was around when i was trying to afford a missioning Raven. It's about time someone has done something for our new players of eve. Read Here for more info on the Angel Project.

Anyways, gotta wrap this post up. I have another blog to update with more goodies (my writing stuffs) and also a fleet to join to head to Fountain. Time to kill baddies.

Until Then,

PS- Photos. All the photos.

Maiden Voyage, Carolyne
BlackBird of Doom

Top: Logi Bro Lovin'!
Bottom: "Bridge is up, GO GO GO!"