Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Isk Isk Baby!

Well, made myself some popcorn (it smells good in a pod, you know?) and decided to play the market a bit and look for oversights to make myself some isk. Well, glad I did.

Pulled up the market info and surfed through it all in nullsec, looking at all the buy and sell orders. Yes, numbers do get tiresome after a while, but, I got lucky. I found an item(s) that if moved only 1 jump throough a jumpbridge would net me 60mil for only 15mil input! So, I took some isk I had made from the night before and bought the goods... and then moved them through a camped system in an iteron mark 5.

That was just one instance, but out in null, there were at least 10 I capitalized on, making a grand total of just short of 80 mil in about two hours. Deciding I made myself enough isk (and lacking more ways to make it), I went to sleep, happy again.

I woke up the next day in my captain's quarters, watching the sun peek in through the docking bay, and decided to try the market again to make the 100 million I wanted. At first, I started with things I wanted to do again the night before, but again, there was no openings, so I found new ones to exploit. Overall, another 40 million was made, brining my total up to 120 million made in about 4 hours. Not too bad for hardly any work.

Oh, total wallet balance so far? 530 million isk!

Even now as I write, i'm bargaining with other players to play the market even more...

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