Tuesday, November 29, 2011


(Photo is of the new shaded Drake, thanks to my fellow corp mate and pilot Death for allowing me to photograph)
(Photo of Elizabeth flying a harbinger.)

Two words.

This is...

I'll let you fill in the last word on the new details of the newest eve online expansion to be released. Thus far, only an hour or two into the patch, and the details and patch notes speak for themselves- This is not your momma's expansion. Thus far what i've seen is mind blowing. I'll highlight the chances and drawbacks that thus far I've noticed to be mentionable.

First up is mining lasers- specifically, strip miners. They now have accurate sounds that I think match the style of the ship and the 3D turret animations on our ships. Also included with the strip miners is the new sound effect that goes along with the laser actually hitting the rock. It sounds like it's being buffeted, and a green glow surrounds the site that's being hit. I won't lie, i'm biased for industrialists and it's about time they are getting a little love that they deserve for all their time and effort.

Loot all- FINALLY. It only took CCP a few years to put in a button that cuts down on the clicking that people who endlessly salvage have to do. It will make it faster, more convient, and makes the time requirements to salvage decrease significantly. It made flying by an enemy wreck in space looting take 2 seconds and 2 clicks, one to open the wreck, one to press the button (Loot All). I see this being one of the most used features of this expansion.

The return of the old weapon icons! This makes it easy to be able to identify weapons based on their picture and not have to right click -> get info all the time. So railguns actually look different from blasters and not the visually unimpressive pixelated versions. Hello artwork, we love you <3 Speaking of artwork, they have revamped a lot of the ship's colors to bring them up to par with the new graphics. Also, nebulaes. They are unique per system, and shift slightly when you move to a new system. And to top that off, the gates now face the direction they will send you catapulting through space, and the destination star is quite bright in system.

Last but not least- the new tier three battle cruisers. These bad boys can fit battleship sized weapons while still having the mobility and speed of a battlecruiser. Of the ones introduced, the Talos, Oracle, Tornado, and the Naga, I personally like the visually stunning appeal of the Oracle, with it's golden shimmering hull and smooth curved oblong hull. With some battleship sized weaponry, I forsee these new ships being fast mobile sniper gangs fielded en masse to just tear apart capitals ships, I also see them as close in blaster ships that move fast, shoot fast, and hit harder. With logistics (since these guys can't pack a massive tank) I forsee these fleets becoming a mainstay in alliance and large scale PvP.

Corp Bookmarks- Now we can finally share bookmarks amongst the people of a corp. So now jumpbridges can be shared with the corp and one person can keep track of all of them and modify them as needed. Oh yeah.

Pinning Windows- Appearently the feature is gone. Forum crying/threadnaughts have been started as thousands attempt to bring the feature back, as appearently it's used by a lot of people. I personally don't use the feature and won't when it gets back, but then again, I'm for the people, and the people cry MOAR PINNIN'!

Supercapital Nerfs- This is by far the biggest debatable item. Many see this is a positive and negative, mostly negative by the large alliances who use massive amounts of capitals as their fighting force. They removed drone bays in dreads and titans, and nerfed the size of the drone bays on supercapitals. Also, they made it so that supercapitals and carriers can only launch fighters. This is all in an effort to increase the use of subcapitals to counter capital fleets. But I think the new tier 3 BC's are the counter we've been looking for. We'll see how it turns out.

New Font- Some hate it, some love it, most don't have an opinion. However, I'll label this as a drawback. The old font was good, and yes there were a few inconsistencies that made it hard to read, and maybe it's just the newness of this font, but the new font seems more cartoony, doesn't scale well with the -a and +A options in the chat windows, and is extremely hard to find a middle ground on size that is neither too big nor too small to fit in certain window sizes. That, and of all the things in the game, the font seems out of place. I'll label it is a negative for now until I either grow use to it, or I still hate it in a month.

For now though, these are just an overview of all the new features and options available to players in EvE. Come check them out and fly with us.

 Until I see you on the battlefield, or in the asteriod belts though, fly safe!

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