Sunday, November 20, 2011

This is not Minecraft... It's SteamCraft, or SteamPunk-Craft!

Hey readers!

So I have some cool shots to show you that come from my cheaters world where I use the mod TMI (Too Many Items!) In it is some cool things. Hold on, you'll see.

As you can see to my left, there's a cool photo. in it is the beginning of a steam plant I built. It uses steam engines (the grey blocks with the blue tops) to create electricity with each cycle. The electricity is moved through conduction pipes (a la wires) to a block that does work, such as a quarry, or a pump, or a refinery. The whole thing is powered with coal, which I place in chests on the first floor. There, redstone engines (powered by redstone switches) move the coal through pipes (the grey ones) to engines. If the engine is full, the coal won't go to it, but if it needs it, the coal is moved to the engine, and consumed. Each engine can hold a stack of 64 coal each, so saturating the system (aka turning on the coal pumps) before actually turning on the machines themselves primes the system for long use. Each coal lasts a minute or two, so each engine can run for an hour to 90 minutes without actualy needing filled.

 Here is two floors of the steam plant, which is still being worked on. As you can see, coal delivery is highly efficient, and I can fuel multiple floors all from the first floor without actually having to go to each individual floor! Makes it simple just to spawn coal using TMI, load the chests, and then go monitor the pumps on the first floor, or occasionally walk the floors to check for overheating. Overheating is bad, because in engines more powerful then redstone, they explode. And seeing as how the building is all engines... it's like a TNT factory waiting to happen if done wrong. But thus far, I have tried my hardest to have them overheat and I can't get them to run past blue (cool) which is fine. In this build, my goal is to have 6-8 floors of these engines running, and maybe have only the top 2 floors there as spare/auxillary back up systems. We'll see though, as I need ot get a new laptop before actually completing this build. As it stands, it lags. Badly.

Until then though, you have my BlogCraft World. So now, back to your regularly not regularly scheduled blog posts!

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