Saturday, November 5, 2011

Just Like Good Times.

Well, it has been a few months since I last set myselfto the task of making a blog post. My sincerest appologizes to any of my readers who suddenly found their evening reading material gone. Consider it back now.

So, what i've been up to in the last few months. Well, a lot has happened. I've gotten more sleep, gotten better grades, and played more eve now that schooling is for all intents and purposes, done. Since the last blog post, I have moved corps once, made a few friends, and then moved back to 0.0 with my friends Southern Comfort Armaments. Coming back to their space, a lot has changed. They now have allies, and an outpost, which makes asset handling and corp hangar access better and more efficient. And, I also have a friend I play with, she hauls for me now, and I'm putting her into a freighter as fast and as soon as possible to help facilitate the movement of raw goods, either alloys or ore, to a refining station. And seeing as how Arkonor, Bistot, and Crokite are heavy, dense ores (approx. 16m3 per unit) being able to move a large volume of ore becomes an absolute necessity.

As for me, Tassemet, I have finished a few amazing skills and started new ones. The big one that I am most satisfied with thus far is Gallente Battleship V. Thus far, it has proven to be useful not only for moving over to carriers, but to augment the current battleships I currently fly. A few other skills are minor and have helped in small ways, but also move me towards a larger goal. One of those skills was Drone Interfacing, of which I currently have a 16 day train left on it. This will allow me to use fighters and progress ultimately towards my goal of flying a carrier in null security space.

Other things that have happened is my mass amount of mining I have done. I have run a lot of lasers and hybrid guns to get ore and alloys. I have refined the alloys and will use them to build ships to sell out here at this station, and the ore I will sell to my corp to avoid the hassle of moving it for now. I will admit, it is a wonderful feeling of having my local chat pulled out of the chat window to keep an eye on local. I missed that about highsec. it was too safe, and not very profitable. While I was there though, i did get a lot of veldspar mining in, and coincidentally, that is what we mine for out here in nullsec. Aquiring highend minerals is easy, but we don't use very many. However, tritanium is not so easy to come by. Everyone mines the high ends to profit as much as possible and trit and veldspar are all but forgotten in most cases. But that is one thing i like about being out in nullsec... I get all the minerals I need where ever I so look.

Until next time I post though, I shall be mining and having this arkonor and bistot hauled for me...

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